Below are some questions that are frequently asked about the WLHS Foundation. If you have another question that you do not see below, please email your questions to Anna Mattox at
As a 501(c)3 charitable organization, all gifts given to the WLHS Foundation are tax deductible donations. A thank you letter with receipt information and a year-end statement with contribution details will be mailed to you after your gift is processed.
An endowed scholarship is a gift of $50,000 or more that is invested in a diversified investment portfolio managed by Baird on behalf of the WLHS Foundation. An annual distribution from the endowed scholarship is used to provide a scholarship for a WLHS student. An endowed scholarship of $50,000 provides a $2,000 scholarship for a student. Please contact Mission Advancement to learn more about how you can be a blessing to WLHS students through scholarships.
The IRS states that individuals should not personally benefit (at least not intentionally) from a gift made to a charitable organization. It would not be ethical or possible to designate a gift and then claim it as a tax deduction. You are encouraged to establish a scholarship, but the annual awarding of the scholarship is handled by the Scholarship Committee. If you prefer to support a specific student and their financial needs, consider paying towards their tuition. This choice is not tax deductible, but still a tremendous blessing to a student.
WLHS can do a great deal to win souls for Christ. Students during their high school years are extremely impressionable and are at one of the riskiest times of their lives. The pressures on them are immense and their experience dealing with those pressures are minimal. The impact WLHS can have on these kids is enormous. In addition, in recent years the Lord has given WLHS a wonderful opportunity to reach souls that otherwise may not know their Savior through the School Choice program. So now, WLHS can play both offense and defense winning souls for Christ!
Ray Mueller
What prompted me to support WLHS is my love of God, the love of the Christ-redeemed teenagers, and the love for our dear Wisconsin Lutheran High School.
Rich and Michelle Mannisto
We simply love the ministry of WLHS! After we had children, we determined it was a good time to set up our estate plans. Working with our attorney, it was easy to set-up a bequest for WLHS and provide for our children should something happen to us both. Not only was the gift easy to set up, it's the right thing to do. God gave us all that we have; you can't take it with you. Ensuring that future generations will have a Christian education is important to Michelle and me. Leaving a legacy gift to WLHS supports our goals of Christian stewardship. We encourage more young couples to set up your estate plans; you'll have more peace of mind knowing that your children and your charities will be well cared for when you are called to Heaven!