Compelled by Christ's love, guided by the Great Commission, and rooted in God's Word...
Wisconsin Lutheran High School prepares youth in a diverse world for productive, Christ-centered lives.
Wisconsin Lutheran High School is accredited through Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod School Accreditation (WELSSA), Wisconsin Religious and Independent Schools Association (WRISA), and the National Council for Private School Accreditation (NCPSA).
WHLS is a distinctively WELS Lutheran high school, but does seek and welcome all young men and women who desire a comprehensive, Christ-centered secondary education.
Over $600,000 in tuition assistance and scholarships is projected to be bestowed annually to make our school affordable to everyone. Over 60 percent of the student body receives some form of tuition assistance.
Over 60 percent of WLHS students are involved in cocurricular activities, a great opportunity to meet new friends and to provide valuable experience for future life roles.
WLHS has a proud athletic reputation and history, and many titles in a variety of sports to show for it.
WLHS is a family of students, teachers, and staff working and learning together in a safe, caring, and Christian environment.
Since 1903, we’ve helped students develop Biblical values and personal skills necessary for a lifetime of service to Jesus in students’ homes, churches, careers, and communities.
Over 90 percent of WLHS graduates enroll in a post-secondary institution, many receiving scholarships and academic recognition. We offer accelerated courses in a variety of subjects to give students an advantage after they’ve graduated.
Wisconsin Lutheran High School supports the mission and beliefs of the WELS (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod). Our school meets the need of our partner WELS congregations by offering an excellent Christ-centered secondary education.
A PAVE School
PAVE is an independent, non-profit foundation funded through corporate, foundation and individual support from those who care about Milwaukee's educational future. PAVE aims to give low-income families in Milwaukee more excellent options when selecting schools for their children. The PAVE Quality Assessment Process defines and measures significant benchmarks that are consistent with national best practices. Using this rigorous assessment, PAVE identified WLHS as a school with a strong vision for excellence and supports our school through their School Quality Initiative.