Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP), created in 1990, is the nation’s largest and oldest school voucher program. In 2013, the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program (WPCP) was added to School Choice. Students qualify for School Choice on the basis of their residency and family income. Eligible students will receive a high school voucher to enroll at any participating private school of their choice.

Milwaukee Parental Choice Program for the 2025-26 school year will be open from February 3-20.

Wisconsin Parental Choice Program (WPCP) for the 2025-26 school year will be open February 3-April 17.

All required residency and income documents need to be EMAILED to > < by their respective deadlines

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  • Milwaukee Parental Choice Program Enrollment Procedures


    The Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP) allows students who qualify and are selected to attend a private school with tuition costs fully or partially covered by state aid. To qualify a student must reside in the city of Milwaukee, and, if new to the program, meet specific income requirements listed here.

    If you wish to or have applied at WLHS under the MPCP, you will need to complete and submit your MPCP Application Online using the DPI website, during the Open Enrollment period February 3-20. The Parent Online Application link will be available beginning on February 3-20 here.

    You must have an E-mail address to complete the online application, and if you do not have an E-mail address, you will need to create one to apply (no exceptions as there are no more paper applications). Then, you need to E-mail ( your verifying documents, instructed by your individual online application, to WLHS during the February 3-20 of the Open Enrollment period. For questions about the MPCP, please click here.
    Because we will have more qualified applicants than we have seats available, we are required by state law to have a random lottery drawing to determine who is selected. Siblings of current WLHS students who are in the MPCP program will automatically receive a seat and will therefore not need to be a part of the lottery selection.
    All applicants who do not receive a MPCP seat through the lottery selection will be given a waiting list number.
    Those on the waiting list will be encouraged to consider attending WLHS through our tuition program. All applicants will be notified concerning the results of the lottery selection beginning in March.
    1. All MPCP families are required to apply online during the designated enrollment period between February 3-20.
    WLHS is not allowed by state law to receive applications outside the designated enrollment period.


    2. IMPORTANT: After applying ONLINE, you need EMAIL (  your verifying documents​ to WLHS, instructed by your individual online application, during the Open Enrollment period Feb. 3-20.
    3. MPCP requires all applicants to provide proper proof of residency in the city of Milwaukee. Proper proof of residency must include one of the following current (last 3 months) documents:
    a. Current utility bill in the name of the parent/guardian at the address on the student application. Acceptable utility bills include a bill for light, water, gas, electric, cable, or landline phone. Cell phone and Internet bills are NOT acceptable.
    b. 2024 Property Tax bill OR current Lease agreement (Must be signed and dated by Lessee /Lessor both).
    c. Current wage statement in the name of the parent/guardian at the address on the student application.
    d. Recent government correspondence such as SSI, “W2” cash benefits, Food Share or Housing Assistance letter. It must have the address listed and the name of the parent/guardian on the student application.
    4. MPCP requires all new WLHS applicants to provide proper proof of income. Proper proof of income documents:
    a. The first two pages of your 2024 Federal Income Tax Return (Form 1040) are required if you file for income tax. Please make plans to have your taxes prepared as soon as you receive your employer W2 statements.
    b. If it is impossible to have your tax return completed by February 20, you may email in all income documentation (i.e. - Employer W’2s, 1099s, etc.)
    c. If you do not file for income tax, you must provide all other income documentation for 2024 (i.e. Social Security statements, Unemployment Compensation statements, Food Share, Child Support) NOTE: 2025 STATEMENTS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE.

    MPCP lottery will take place on Saturday, February 22, at 8:00 a.m.

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  • Wisconsin Parental Choice Program Enrollment Procedures


    The Wisconsin Parental Choice Program (WPCP) allows students who qualify and are selected to attend a private school with tuition costs fully or partially covered by state aid. Residents of Wisconsin that do not live in the City of Milwaukee or the Racine Unified School District are eligible to apply to the WPCP. If new to the program, meet specific income requirements (click here). If your child is currently in the program at another school or on a waiting list then there are no income requirements to qualify. 
    If you wish to or have applied at WLHS under the WPCP, you will need to complete and submit your WPCP Application online using the DPI website, during the Open Enrollment period February 3-April 17.
    You must have an E-mail address to complete the online application, and if you do not have an E-mail address, you will need to create one to apply. Then, you need to E-mail ( your verifying documents, instructed by your individual online application, to WLHS during the WPCP Open Enrollment period February 3-April 17.  For questions about the WPCP, please click here
    1. All WPCP families are required to apply online during the designated enrollment period between February 3-April 17.
    WLHS is not allowed by state law to receive applications outside the designated enrollment period.
    2. IMPORTANT: After applying ONLINE, you need EMAIL (  your verifying documents​ to WLHS, instructed by your individual online application, during the Open Enrollment period February 3-April 17.
    3. WPCP requires all applicants to provide proper proof of residency. Proper proof of residency must include one of the following current (last 3 months) documents:
    a. Current utility bill in the name of the parent/guardian at the address on the student application. Acceptable utility bills include a bill for light, water, gas, electric, cable, or landline phone. Cell phone and Internet bills are NOT acceptable.
    b. 2024 Property Tax bill OR current Lease agreement (Must be signed and dated by Lessee /Lessor both).
    c. Current wage statement in the name of the parent/guardian at the address on the student application.
    d. Recent government correspondence such as SSI, “W2” cash benefits, Food Share or Housing Assistance letter. It must have the address listed and the name of the parent/guardian on the student application.
    4. WPCP requires all new WLHS applicants to provide proper proof of income. Proper proof of income documents:
    a. The first two pages of your 2024 Federal Income Tax Return (Form 1040) are required if you file for income tax. Please make plans to have your taxes prepared as soon as you receive your employer W2 statements.
    b. If it is impossible to have your tax return completed by April 17, you may email in all income documentation (i.e. - Employer W2s, 1099s, etc.)
    c. If you do not file for income tax, you must provide all other income documentation for 2024 (i.e. Social Security statements, Unemployment Compensation statements, Food Share, Child Support) NOTE: 2025 STATEMENTS ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Interested in attending WLHS?

If you have questions, please contact the Director of Admissions, Brad Wetzel, at 414-453-4567 ext. 1322 or e-mail
Phone: 414-453-4567  |  Fax: 414-453-3001