Professional Development for International Program

Representatives of the WLHS International Program recently attended a professional development conference held in Wheaton, Illinois, designed to help schools enhance the quality of the international program at their school.
On June 23-25, three members of the WLHS staff attended the "International Student Program Intensives" conference hosted at Wheaton College. The attendees included:
  • Mr. Eric Duwe (Director of International Program)
  • Ms. Angela Horneber (Residential Life Advisor)
  • Mr. Josh Rimpel (Residential Spiritual Care Coordinator)
Attendees of the conference could participate in different strands of program development:
  • Building a Strong International Student Program
  • Providing Academic Support for English Language Learners
  • Developing Recruitment/Marketing Channels
The conference brought some new ideas and opportunity to network with others in the field.  We look forward to incorporating the lessons learned to continue to enhance the International Program at WLHS!
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