Class of 2024 International Graduates

We wish to express our utmost congratulations to all the Class of 2024 graduates, including our 29 international graduates from 13 countries.
On the evening before the graduation ceremony, the WLHS International Program hosted a banquet for the international graduates and their visiting family members. Attendees also included some WLHS teachers and host families that have been very special advocates in the lives of our international students. 

The graduation ceremony was hosted on the morning of Saturday, May 25 at nearby Wisconsin Lutheran College.  Class salutatorian Ana Sofija Veljkovic from Serbia was one of the speakers at the ceremony. We also congratulate May Moe Thu Han from Burma for being in the Academic Top 10 of her graduating class.

Best wishes and God's blessings to our Class of 2024 graduates!
Phone: 414-453-4567  |  Fax: 414-453-3001