Camp Weekend for Residential Program

Students from the WLHS Residential Program enjoyed a weekend of bonding activities during the annual Labor Day weekend camp trip.
Students departed from the dormitory bright and early on Saturday morning on two buses to travel to a beautiful camp about two hours north of Milwaukee.  Students and WLHS staff members participated in a series of teambuilding activities and competitions to deepen their friendships with each other and grow to better understand the "Wisco Way."

The students also had opportunities to choose from a variety of activities including canoeing, hiking, volleyball, s'mores making, Gaga Ball, nine-square-in-the-air, and many other engaging options. 

An inspiring night sky with a stunning array of gleaming stars left camp participants in awe of the beauty of nature before they slept overnight in comfortable cabins. Sunday morning worship overlooking Long Lake led by Dean Doug Carter further inspired the group.

Students and staff were tired upon their return to the dormitory on Sunday afternoon, but many have reported they are already looking forward to next year's camp experience!
Phone: 414-453-4567  |  Fax: 414-453-3001