In an effort to speed up meal service and offer privacy and convenience, students may opt to use a finger scan to identify themselves. This system offers complete privacy. The system does not store an image or photo of the student’s fingerprint.
The scanner examines a few points of a fingerprint and generates unique numbers based on those points to create a secure key called a "string." Only the string value is retained for reference back to the student. These numbers cannot be converted into an actual fingerprint image; fingerprints cannot be regenerated or reproduced for any purpose.
For additional information concerning the scanners, visit HID DigitalPersona to see how this product is used by fast food restaurants, hospitals and high-tech companies around the world. For information about the meal service system, visit
If you have any questions regarding the changes or wish to have your student "opt-out," contact the Business Office at 414-453-4567 ex 2021.