2024-25 School Theme: Be Still & Know

Among the current, frenzied news cycles is the grim reality that a mental health epidemic has gripped Americans--young adults in particular.

But God's children are never without hope or help. Our theme for the 2024-25 school year is God's voice breaking through the chaos to command "Be still and know..." Taken from Psalm 46, the song that inspired Martin Luther to write "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" during a tumultuous time, vs. 10 directs "Be still."
Other translations for this command include ""Enough!" "Stop fearing!", "Cease striving", and "Calm down". And God supplies how and why: "and know that I am God.  This is the God who is powerful enough to create the world and govern its seasons, loving enough to send his Son to die for our sins, jealous for us enough to create saving faith in our hearts, and compassionate enough to bring comfort and strength in all circumstances.

Again this year our privilege is to center all worship, instruction and co-curricular activities on the Triune God of the Bible. A solid foundation allows for a still heart.
Phone: 414-453-4567  |  Fax: 414-453-3001