Parent Information Nights - August 12 & 13

Two evenings have been set aside for parents to review important school policies and ask questions about the new school year on Monday, August 12 and Tuesday, August 13. School administrators and counselors will be present at these meetings, as will members of the WLHS Board of Directors. Visit an organization fair which will highlight athletic and co-curricular activities available at WLHS.

Attend the date that works better for your family. Students are also welcome and may pick up their Chromebook these nights.

To review the agenda:
Monday, August 12 and Tuesday, August 13

6:00-6:30 p.m.
Information will be available regarding WLHS sports and co-curricular activities, free/reduced lunch, locker shelves, Taher Food Services, school logo wear and accessories, calculator rentals, etc. Limited paper copies of the student handbook, worship theme, and Student Services information will be available in the atrium. 
6:30-7:15 p.m. 
Principal Landon Zacharyasz, Assistant Principals Bret Hopf and C.L. Whiteside, Academic Dean James Brandt, and Director of Student Services Grey Davis will present information regarding our school mission, handbook policies, grade scale and schedule changes, academic and career planning, and more in the auditorium. 

7:15-8:00 p.m.
Move to your students' homeroom. Receive locker number and combination. Learn more about onCampus and the Flex period. Visit the Organization Fair located in the cafeteria if you haven't already done so.

Students can attend the parent information nights and pick-up their Chromebook, get their yearbook picture taken, receive their student ID card, and scan their finger to easily and quickly identify themselves when using our school meal service. 
Phone: 414-453-4567  |  Fax: 414-453-3001