Wisco Alum Heads Juneteenth Day Celebration

Juneteenth is a federal holiday that commemorates June 19, 1865, as the final fulfillment of the Emancipation Proclamation when the last 250,000 slaves in Texas were declared free. In Milwaukee, the day was honored with a variety of events from parades and festivals, to workshops and historical exhibitions. This year, Major General Johnny Davis ('87) was the Grand Marshall of the 2024 Milwaukee Juneteenth Celebration. Click here to see the video announcement. Major General Davis has come back to WLHS to speak at the annual Veteran's Day ceremony, most recently in 2021. He is also an alum of St, Philip's Ev. Lutheran Church & School, Milwaukee. 
As a 2-star general, a Major General is nominated by the President and must also be confirmed for duty by the Senate. Only a maximum of 231 Major Generals serve in the U.S. Army at any given time. Major General Davis will soon be promoted to a 3-star general.
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