Grade Scale Changes

Our Board of Directors approved the implementation of a new grade scale in the 2024-25 school year to better align with common grading standards and ensure a level playing field for competitive scholarships. The new scale will:
  • Change the lowest passing score to 60%,
  • GPAs will be calculated at the end of each semester and can be viewed on the student's transcript in the progress section of onCampus,
  • Transcripts will reflect an unweighted GPA in addition to a weighted GPA and class rank for Juniors and Seniors as noted here, and
  • GPAs will build off previous grades and not be adjusted retroactively.
Attend parent information nights on August 12 or 13 to learn more about the new WLHS grading scale.

Percentage to Gradebook Score 

% RangeScoreDefinition
95-100= 4 Advanced
90-94= 3.5High Proficient
83-89= 3 Proficient
78-82= 2.5High Developing
71-77 = 2Developing
66-70= 1.5High Basic
60-65= 1 Basic
0-59= 0No Credit

Conversion to Letter Grade
Average Score Grade
3.75 - 4.00 = A+ (or A)
3.50 - 3.74 = A
3.25 - 3.49 = A-
3.00 - 3.24 = B+
2.75 - 2.99 = B
2.50 - 2.74 = B-
2.25 - 2.49 = C+
2.00 - 2.24 = C
1.75 - 1.99 = C-
1.50 - 1.74 = D+
1.25 - 1.49 = D
1.00 - 1.24 = D-
0.00 - 0.99 = F
Phone: 414-453-4567  |  Fax: 414-453-3001