Senior Seminar

On April 20, the seniors in the WLHS Residential Program attended the annual Senior Seminar in Madison, an event specifically designed to prepare them for their upcoming college experience.
This year’s presenters included WLHS alumni, professionals, and university counselors who shared their expertise on college readiness topics including networking, finances, mental health, and the international student experience in college. Mr. Dan Wagner gave practical advice for their first week in college and how to communicate effectively with their professors. Mr. Thad Jahns described career development and networking and the key connections they should make. Mr. Kevin Worm gave practical insight into managing expenses and using money wisely with the future in mind. Mr. Sy Vanissaveth encouraged the students to maintain a growth mindset as they encounter new challenges. The seminar concluded with a Q&A panel, providing the students with the opportunity to engage with the presenters and learn answers to their questions about university life.
The seminar is a one-of-a-kind event exclusively for seniors in the WLHS Residential Program. The students leave with a greater understanding of the college experience and the skills needed to succeed. Overall, the seminar is an exceptional opportunity for our students to reflect on their time in high school and look forward to the changes that lie just ahead of them. Finally, the trip allows the students to have a memorable bonding experience with their classmates before they graduate and go their separate ways. 
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