Rev. Gerhardt Lambrecht

Pastor Gerhardt Lambrecht received a call to serve WLHS in 1977 and immediately upon arriving, was asked to assume the newly created administrative position of Director of Development and Congregation Relations (now Mission Advancement). A large capital campaign was being launched at the time to both retire old debt of several million dollars and stimulate renewed constituent support for the ministry of Christian high school education. In 1977, development ministry was non-existent in the WELS. Pastor Lambrecht was called to initiate all forms of development/fundraising and to carry them out in a one-man office. His role also included meeting annually with leaders of the conference congregations in order to increase annual financial support. This support was aimed at returning to previous giving levels of congregations and to reduce tuition cost for students and their families. This included preaching annually in the 58 conference churches for Sunday services. Since no lists of previous donors or alumni names were available, Gerhardt worked tirelessly to identify alumni and friends of WLHS in order to establish new funding sources for the ministry. In 1979, Gerhardt led the process of establishing an endowment fund or foundation to aid the long-term planning of the WLHS donors. In 1981, he established a support group called Wisco Stewards. Over time, this group was instrumental in bringing together WLHS alumni and friends to provide major funding and deeds of service for the  ministry. Gerhardt left WLHS in 1987, but continued to serve by sharing his donor knowledge with the Advancement Office and continuing to serve as a resource for over a decade on the Nominating Committee for WLHS Board of Director candidates. Gerhardt and his wife, Luann, have been blessed with three children and several of their grandchildren have been able to attend WLHS through the years.
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