Al and Lori Greschner

Al and Lori Greschner are beloved teachers with careers that spanned over 40 years. Al and Lori served much of their ministry at WLHS, teaching students and supporting programs. Al is kind, caring, and hardworking, but most importantly, someone who would stop anything he was doing to help a student or fellow teacher. Lori is famously known for her special buns she would make for any food sale in the building, being generous by gifting her discount finds to anyone in need, and being compassionate to the students who struggled most in school. No one worked harder or loved Wisco students more than the Greschners. After they retired in 2021 and 2022, they have continued to serve as substitute teachers and often visit school to help when there are events or activities in the building. During his time at WLHS, Al taught physics, a course on Corinthians, and small engines. Lori taught English and reading fundamentals to students that would otherwise struggle in high school level classes. They coached multiple sports, led clubs, financially supported the school, and lent a helping hand whenever needed. Al and Lori Greschner are favorites among alumni and current students due to their compassionate and Christ-like attitudes. 
Phone: 414-453-4567  |  Fax: 414-453-3001