

2025 Class Reunions - More Coming Soon!

List of 5 items.

  • Class of 1955

    The Class of 1955 is celebrating their 70-year Reunion in 2025!

    It is tentatively planned for Friday, September 19, 2025, at 11:00 a.m.
    Please join us at:
    Alioto's Restaurant
    3041 N Mayfair Rd. Wauwatosa, WI 53222
    If interested, please contact Evelyn Pike at or call 414-461-7293.
  • Class of 1975

    The Class of 1975 is celebrating their 50-year Reunion in 2025!

    Saturday, June 14, 2025, 5:00-11:00 p.m.
    Please join us at:
    Wisconsin Lutheran High School Atrium
    330 North Glenview Avenue
    Milwaukee, WI 53213-3379
    Parking is on the South side of the building.
    Please enter the building at the Glenview Ave front entrance.
    SCHEDULE AND ACTIVITIES (subject to change):
    5:00-6:00 p.m. - Sign-in/registration, appetizers, social hour, tours of campus
    6:00 p.m. - Program and recognition
    6:30-8:00 p.m.- Dinner – Buffet meal catered by All Occasions Catering (Mark Andersen - Class of 1977)
    (Please let us know if you have specific meal requirements)
    8:30 p.m. - Desserts
    8:30-11:00 p.m. - Social time and additional activities (TBD)
    Cost $85 Per Person (Includes Drinks and Dinner)

    RSVP and Pay by Friday, April 18, 2025
    James J. Brunner
    7750 N. Chadwick Rd.
    Glendale, WI 53217
    (414) 218-9849 Mobile
    REQUEST: We need your help locating some of our classmates! A list of those missing is available upon request.
    SPECIAL NOTICE: Alumni from WLHS Classes of 1972-1978 are also welcome to attend based on capacity with the understanding that alumni from the Class of 1975 will be given 1st priority guaranteed attendance, so please put the word out to those classes and have them reach out to us.
  • Class of 1985

    The Class of 1985 is celebrating their 40-year Reunion in 2025!

    September 13, 2025
    Place and time – TBD
    More details to follow.
    Stay in the know! Join the WLHS Class of 1985 Facebook group by clicking here.
  • Class of 2000

    The Class of 2000 is celebrating their 25-year Reunion in 2025!

    Plans are in the works! More details to come!
  • Reunion Zero

    Reunion Zero is held each year for the graduating senior class during the lunch period. The gathering includes a pizza lunch with giveaways, lively photo booth, and chances to speak with alumni as well as classmates.

    Click here to see photos from the 2024 Reunion Zero!

Reunion Planners

We believe the role of Reunion Planner is critical to maintaining a strong Viking alumni network. Reunion Planners know their classes better than anyone and can serve a key role in advancing alumni connectivity.

Reunion Planner Duties:
  • Connect. Like WLHS on Facebook @WLHSVikings, and follow us on Instagram at @wiscovikings. Spread the word so your classmates can do the same!
  • Advocate. Work with your fellow classmates to assemble a reunion planning committee and identify desired reunion format, location, etc. Click here for a helpful guide on planning a class reunion.
  • Communicate. Maintain contact with the WLHS Mission Advancement team and share reunion news with your classmates and ways to stay connected with WLHS post-reunion.

Want to learn more or sign up to become a Reunion Planner? Contact Sarah (Horn) Proeber ('07) at or 414-453-4567 ext. 2018.

Do you have a reunion in 2025?

All LHS and WLHS classes with graduating years ending in a 0 or 5 (ex: 1975, 2010) are celebrating reunions in 2025! Check the list on the left hand drop down menu to see if your class has a reunion planned. If you would like to assist with planning your reunion celebration, please contact Sarah (Horn) Proeber ('07) at or 414-453-4567 ext. 2018.
Phone: 414-453-4567  |  Fax: 414-453-3001