The Career Ready Practices, built on a meta-analysis of over 30 different listings of general professional skills developed by industry and educational institutions, represent the skills needed to succeed in the modern workplace. Advance Career and Technical Education has developed a detailed framework of skills students should learn from younger grades into their career. Please click here to learn more.
- Lead as a contributing & professional employee - Communicate clearly, effectively, & with reason - Think critically to make sense of problems & persevere in solving them - Collaborate productively while using cultural & global competencies - Use digital skills & technologies to enhance productivity & make data-informed decisions - Remain resilient in a changing workplace & world of work - Manage time & space effectively - Demonstrate a creative & innovative mindset - Act as a good steward of organizational & personal finances & resources - Navigate an education & career path aligned to strengths, work style, interests, & goals - Consider the environmental & social impacts of decisions - Apply appropriate academic & technical skills