WLHS offers an Academic and Career Plan for every student on campus. A key component of a student's ACP is the sequence of courses and experiences in the programs of study offered on and off campus. Student's enhance their post secondary plan by capitalizing on capstone experiences typically in the senior year. One of the capstone experiences offered to students is a Youth Apprenticeship. A YA provides students with a hands on CTE experience in a potential area of study or career after high school. Students who are interested in this unique career-based learning experiences can click here to learn more about the many pathways for YA available. If you have any questions please reach out to the WLHS YA Coordinator, Mr. Schumacher.
The WLHS ACP along with all programs, services, tools, and resources can be found on the Student Services Resource Board (login here). An overview of the ACP will be presented at parent information nights throughout the year. If you have any questions, reach out to your child's school counselor.