Sharing the Love of Jesus in Florida, Nevada & Tennessee

WLHS mission teams continue to travel around the world and continental U.S. helping share the love of Jesus with our mission churches. A team traveled to Navarre, Florida to help Risen Savior Lutheran share the word about their Jesus Cares program for anyone with special needs or cognitive impairments, as well as a soccer Vacation Bible School (VBS).
The team to Las Vegas, Nevada helped Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church and School with their VBS by sharing Bible stories with the children, playing games, facilitating arts and crafts, participating in worship, and more.

A team went to Columbia, Tennessee to assist Christ our Savior Lutheran Church with VBS and canvassing.

All teams were able to see the sights in their down time and explore their respective cities. For more photos and descriptions about mission trips this summer, visit WLHS social media!
Phone: 414-453-4567  |  Fax: 414-453-3001