For the month of January and February, the Wisco football team has partnered once again with our WLHS Conference Elementary Schools for the Reading Buddy Program. Pictured here are visits to Star of Bethlehem Lutheran School, Mount Calvary Lutheran School, Zion Lutheran School, Risen Savior Lutheran School, and St. Paul's, Muskego Lutheran School. The football team will visit a total of 15 grade schools in the next few weeks, so stay tuned to see if they visit your school next!
A grade school teacher shared, "Thanks for bringing the football players in today! The [kindergarteners] will be talking about their visit for some time. They were so happy to have the picture bookmark to take home. The boys are always so personable — I love the way they seem so comfortable with the [kindergarteners] and you are right, I can see them being teachers someday! Thanks again!"