Soccer Camp
For Coed Students Entering Grades 4-8Soccer camp is an opportunity to build Christian relationships through hard work and competition while keeping a proper focus. Build on fundamentals and skills needed to succeed and enjoy the game of soccer. We will also have a 3v3 tournament played in world cup format.
Minimum of 20 participants needed.July 21-25, 20259:00-10:30 a.m.
Location: WLHSOutdoor stadium (weather permitting)
Indoor gym if weather is poor
Cost is $80 and includes a t-shirt.
Registration for Soccer Camp is due by Monday, July 7, 2025.
Players should bring both indoor and outdoor shoes, shin guards, a water bottle, and sun screen (as needed).
StaffThe camp is run by Wisco varsity boys coach Craig Radue as well as other Wisco soccer coaches and players (former and present).