
WLHS Subscriptions

Subscription Options:

The Wisco Advantage is a magazine published with the parents of prospective Wisco students in mind. The publication includes spotlights on current students, information on preparing grade school age students for WLHS, and testimonials about our school.

WLHS Contact is a publication mailed to friends and alumni of our school three times a year. Content includes feature stories, alumni news, event information, and current events.

WLHS Monthly eNewsletter shares information and updates from Wisconsin Lutheran High School. We'll send you a monthly eNewsletter about what's happening at WLHS.

WLHS Alumni eNewsletter is a monthly newsletter for alumni sharing updates on your classmates and WLHS. It's a great way to stay in touch with your former WLHS classmates.
Sign up to receive news and updates from WLHS.

Subscription Sign-ups

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Phone: 414-453-4567  |  Fax: 414-453-3001